Who would have thought Mr. John, after being diagnosed with vascular dementia, would experience a happy and enjoyable life? It’s being 4 years since he received the phone called from his doctor. Of course his daughter Meghan was heart broken. She noticed that her father’s memory was declining since he had the stroke, but she never thought that it was going to be this! Dementia has increased tremendously among elderly for the past couple years.

What is Dementia?
Dementia is not a disease, but instead it is an overall terms that describe a groups of symptoms. The common symptoms of dementia are decline in memory (forgetfulness), limited social skills and thinking abilities, which affect daily functioning. Dementia can take a toll on those who are diagnosed with it. Depression is one of the long-term symptoms of dementia. Seniors tend to isolate themselves from society and their family members. Some even have less appetite to eat or care about their hygienic needs.
Spending time with loved ones give them hope
After Mr. John’s diagnosed with Dementia, Meghan had no idea how she was going to address the issue of her father being sick. She decided to educate herself about her father’s condition as much as she could. She hired home caregivers for her father who were also knowledgeable about the disease. Months passed by and Mr. John had declined tremendously. He couldn’t even recognize his own daughter. His behavior changed completely. He began to isolate himself. He would be staring at the wall for Hours. Meghan knew that she had to do something. She started making cards and wrote her name followed by the word “daughter”. She did that for weeks with no results, however in the second week Mr. John started smiling every time he saw the card. It was as though knowing he had a daughter was enough to give him hope. Likewise, spending time with loved ones as they deal with dementia gives them hope. It’s also important that family members continue to see their loved ones diagnosed with dementia the same way before they were diagnosed. It would help them to remember their identity. It takes a lot of patience to care for a loved one with Dementia. It’s very crucial that as a family member understands the symptoms. Mood swings are very common in patients with dementia. Their loved one should understand that it is not them acting up, but the illness.
Emotional support is crucial
As it was hard on Mr. John, it was also hard on Meghan watching her father struggle everyday. Meghan created an emotional support circle where she could express the way that she felt about her dad’s diagnosis. Families who are living with a loved one with dementia must have emotional support group to help express their feelings, thoughts and keep them motivated. Meghan knew that in order to be there for her father, she had to be there for herself first. Mr. John is still alive having the time of his life with his daughter Meghan, the one hope that he has. He spent time every day trying to relearn everything that he knew. Sometimes it’s hard, but he is a fighter.
Caring for a loved one with Dementia can be challenging, but if we put ourselves in that person’s shoes, they too are struggling with their condition. Some are struggling to even accept the fact that they have the illness. It’s very important that their family members support them and spread hope to better their mental state. Meghan spread hope to her father, today that made a big difference in Mr. John’s mental state. He recognized he has a daughter that care for him and that is priceless.